Bumblebeee Kasabian 4:00
The Day I Set Them Free The Venetia Fair 3:40
She Said Everfound 3:55
Agoraphobia Autoheart 4:22
Wonderful Life Alter Bridge 5:19
C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h. ONE OK ROCK 5:18
Tinfoil Hat Scott Dunbar 3:26
I Wanna Be Like You Fall Out Boy 3:19
Speeding Cars Walking On Cars 4:02
Hell Yeah! Zebrahead 3:36
Through It All Spoken 3:34
Lie to the Truth The Young Veins 2:29
House of Wolves My Chemical Romance 3:04
Je veux Zaz 3:36
I'm Walking On Sunshine Katrina and the Waves 3:57
斬鉄 夢中夢 4:44
Run Snow Patrol 3:54
Free Without You I Hate Kate 3:25
Tomorrow Brunettes Shoot Blondes 2:50
Bittersweet Brunettes Shoot Blondes 0:00