Is Apollo Still Alive Rave the Reqviem 2:57
Моя месть Amatory 4:12
Одиночество Stigmata 5:21
Stuck Limp Bizkit 5:24
Carry Me Down Demon Hunter 4:32
I Don't Care Apocalyptica 3:40
Glory Hollywood Undead 3:34
Sky Is Over Serj Tankian 2:57
Mr. Jack System of a Down 4:09
Sky Is Over System of a Down 3:04
I-E-A-I-A-I-O System of a Down 0:00
ULTRAnumb Blue Stahli 4:25
Miracle Nightcore 4:22
It_'s My Life Nightcore 3:20
The Curse Disturbed 3:24
Shadows Die Black Veil Brides 5:25
The Legacy Black Veil Brides 4:40
In the End Black Veil Brides 3:48
Stronger (Explicit) Emphatic 0:00
The Vengeful One Disturbed 4:12