Queen of rain Hydria 4:09
H.O.P.E. Innocens 4:01
Anonymous Yotangor 7:22
We Speak For The Voiceless Yotangor 4:38
Love Is Passion Yotangor 8:48
Met Equilibrium 2:23
Heimwärts Equilibrium 2:33
Born to Be Epic Equilibrium 4:04
Katharsis Equilibrium 5:11
Never Too Drunk Wolfchant 4:00
Farsoten kom Svartsot 4:32
Verlorene Seelen Finsterforst 13:31
Hemfärd Månegarm 8:28
Riders on the Storm Die Apokalyptischen Reiter 3:47
Karawane Equilibrium 4:53
Windelfell Winter In Eden 2:45
Hold Me Tight Yotangor 3:16
The Life-Circle Innocens 3:22
From Heaven Sent Eyes of Eden 4:19
Slow It Down Trillium 4:22