I Wonder as I Wander Jillian Goldin 4:09
The Winds of Change Jillian Goldin 4:33
Shadows Jillian Goldin 4:32
Wildland Jillian Goldin 0:49
Avalon Jillian Goldin 5:45
Hajime Jillian Goldin 4:09
Deliverance of the Heart Jillian Goldin 4:29
Yule Threefold 7:20
Ancient Wisdom BlueMonk 6:09
Muleta Cove Amberfern 5:17
In the Stillness Colors of the Land 3:26
Morning in Paradise Adventure Cargo 6:24
Spiral Thierry Fervant 6:50
Финал Геннадий Гладков 2:13
Foolish Heart Ernesto Cortazar 2:52
In Loving Memory Phil Coulter 3:30
Culture Chris Spheeris 5:06
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg: I Will Wait for You Ray Conniff 2:18
Дева Мария Арсений Якшиянц 3:18
Целуя нежно и осторожно Арсений Якшиянц 4:01