Big Brother Susumu Hirasawa 3:23
Sign 平沢進 4:13
Indra (Sword of the Berserk) Susumu Hirasawa 4:42
Believe Folder 5 3:50
Freedom Galileo Galilei 3:54
青い栞 Galileo Galilei 5:40
空色デイズ 中川翔子 4:11
Mediational Field 平沢進 4:55
FORCES II 平沢進 3:55
The Girl in Byakkoya - White Tiger Field (Paprika Ending Theme) 平沢進 4:47
Parade 平沢進 5:44
Colors of the Heart UVERworld 3:51
BERSERK-Forces- 平沢進 4:03
BEHELIT 平沢進 1:55
Berserk-Forces- (instrumental) Susumu Hirasawa 4:04
オムナ マグニ 牧野由依 1:39
Futakotome SAITOU Chiwa 5:30
Waiting So Long (OST Berserk) Silver Fins 3:38
Tabi no Tochuu (на русском) Kiyoura Natsumi 4:54
The Girl in Byakkoya [Remix] Lumaria 3:39