Dawn Snake Toshiro Masuda 1:41
Dreaming 増田俊郎 1:42
Cotton Spores 増田俊郎 2:29
Bound For Bonefire Field Toshiro Masuda 2:36
A Sea Of Ink 増田俊郎 2:21
One-Eyed Fish (On Air Ver.) Toshiro Masuda 1:47
Picking Empty Cocoons 増田俊郎 2:46
Drumming Toshiro Masuda 1:19
Mushi Moving Toshiro Masuda 1:56
Moonlight 増田俊郎 2:37
Moon Halo Toshiro Masuda 1:23
Midnight Toshiro Masuda 1:51
In The Cradle Toshiro Masuda 2:18
Wind Hand Pillow Toshiro Masuda 1:28
The Sound Of Stepping On Grass Toshiro Masuda 1:57
The Singing Of Rust 増田俊郎 2:13
Pretend It's Spring Toshiro Masuda 2:03
The Sea Shrine 増田俊郎 1:57
The Mountain Bearing Robe Toshiro Masuda 1:50
The Green Throne (On Air Ver.) Toshiro Masuda 1:54