Orfeo Negro Nicolas de Angelis 3:14
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Max Greger 3:45
Серенада Трубадура (инструменталка) Олег Анофриев 2:37
Emil Sagitov - Couple Emil Sagitov 2:53
Ave Maria André Rieu 2:47
Midnight Ricky King 2:49
Wheels Ricky King 2:02
Ti amo Ricky King 2:32
Love Is Blue The Ventures 2:39
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly The Ventures 2:45
Green Fields The Ventures 2:47
Dark Eyes Twist The Ventures 2:19
Ах, эти чёрные глаза Оскар Строк 2:54
Diana Billy Vaughn 2:26
Villa California Nicolas de Angelis 4:01
Sonate Au Clair Delune Nicolas de Angelis 3:04
La Esperanza Nicolas de Angelis 3:29
Blue Velvet Johnny Tillotson 2:39
Soleado Peter Weekers 3:49
I Will Always Love You Ron Asprey 3:56