Woman From Tokyo Deep Purple 5:49
Fly To The Angels Slaughter 5:09
Rebel Yell Billy Idol 4:46
To Hell With The Devil Stryper 4:07
Rainbow In The Dark Dio 4:15
She's A Beauty Tubes, The 3:59
Heartbreaker Pat Benatar 3:29
Silent Lucidity Queensryche 5:47
Rock Me Great White 4:14
Ballroom Blitz Sweet 4:03
Peace Sells Megadeth 4:04
Never Heart 4:07
Edge of a Broken Heart Vixen 4:23
New World Man Rush 3:43
Nothin' But A Good Time Poison 3:44
Mama Weer All Crazee Now Quiet Riot 3:37
Magic Man Heart 5:28
Don't Look Back Boston 5:58
Cat Scratch Fever Ted Nugent 3:37
Godzilla Blue Oyster Cult 3:40