Ju-Ju FOURPLAY 02 5:28
Elixir Fourplay 7:25
Love TKO Fourplay 4:28
I'll Still Be Lovin' You Fourplay 5:18
Sebastian Fourplay 4:42
Rio Rush Fourplay 7:47
Magic Carpet Ride Fourplay 6:29
December Dream Fourplay 7:44
Prelude for Lovers Fourplay 3:09
Merry Little Stroll Fourplay 4:04
3rd Degree Fourplay 5:05
Anthem Fourplay 5:40
Double Trouble Fourplay 5:49
The Yes Club Fourplay 5:08
Screenplay Fourplay 6:03
Monterey Fourplay 6:12
The Ivy Variations Fourplay 3:38
Sunday Morning Fourplay 3:53
Christmas Song Fourplay 5:54
Free Range Fourplay 6:27