Wetness Wednesday Noak Purushottama 4:36
Amusing Delfina Deines 5:07
Fatal Attraction Claudia Hunt 5:20
Sextetto Visceral Natalie Goldwyn 3:54
Eyes as Spice Madaline Romeo 3:42
Now Monroe Days 5:44
Physalis Yurajet 3:36
A New Way Ivory Simons 4:26
Deeper Your Love Ivory Simons 4:54
Sea of Change Scarlett Copley 4:30
Over All Chillo 4:39
Nothing Compared Kiana Kazee 3:43
Little Diamond Vera Peters 6:13
My Way Out Delbert Schneider 4:11
Return Tory Arndt 4:33
Sechzig Laubbaumträume Madaline Romeo 3:30
Ireland of Hope Yan Gillis 3:14
Your Choice Mike Warren 5:04