Sirens Over Paris Fytch 3:06
Вокруг шум Каста 3:35
Smack My Bitch Up The Prodigy 5:24
Echo Full Son (2010) Eminem Royce 59 Liz Rodriguez 4:04
Can You Feel My Heart Bring Me the Horizon 3:47
Unfettered Ocean Jet 0:00
Born Ready Zayde Wolf 0:00
City Of Satan Turbonegro 5:42
In Your Face Die Antwood 4:03
Baby's On Fire Die Antwoord 3:47
Lose Yourself Eminem 4:12
Erupt & Matter Moby, The Void Pacific Choir 4:09
Rollin’ (Air Raid Vehicle) Limp Bizkit 3:35
Keep Rollin Limp Bizkit 3:25
Toxicity System of a Down 3:38
Animals Nickelback 3:06
Fear Disturbed 3:46
New Tattoo Saving Abel 4:23
Never Saving Abel 2:59
Contagious Saving Abel 3:39