Lost Innocent World Gogol Bordello 4:26
Immigraniada (We Comin' Rougher) Gogol Bordello 3:46
Start Wearing Purple Gogol Bordello 3:42
Let There Be Night Powerwolf 7:19
Hacking To The Gate (Steins;Gate OP) Kalafina 1:29
動天 高梨康治 3:03
重は激 増田俊郎 3:12
強にして重 瀧田イサム 3:06
Dracula Sinister Souls & C-Netik 5:07
Freefall (feat. Julie Hardy) [High Maintenance Remix] | SOUNDKICK Dirtyphonics & 12th Planet 4:12
Nemo Nightwish 4:12
Kouen Yogensha Yasuharu Takanashi / Yaiba 4:02
Kakuzu 高梨康治 1:49
The Siren Nightwish 4:34
High Voltage Linkin Park 3:32
Притоптать Нейромонах Феофан 2:55
Хочу в пляс Нейромонах Феофан 3:44
Wonderlust King Gogol Bordello 3:58
My Companjera Gogol Bordello 3:22
QWERTY Linkin Park 3:21