L'amore non mi basta Emma 2:29
Arrivera l'amore° Emma 3:35
Non è l'inferno Emma Marrone 3:45
Maledetto quel giorno Emma 3:44
Cercavo amore Emma 3:32
Moskau Dschingis-Khan 5:58
You Are a Cunt Kat McSnatch 2:19
Продавец Кукол Вельвет 3:46
ПРОСТИ МЕНЯ Вельвет 4:13
Baby (with Marina and Luis Fonsi) (Video Ver.) Clean Bandit 4:07
Born To the Night Ava Max 3:19
Take You To Hell Ava Max 2:44
So Am I Ava Max 3:13
Who's Laughing Now Ava Max 3:00
Kings & Queens Ava Max 2:42
OMG What's Happening Ava Max 2:59
Salt Ava Max 3:07
Natalie Don't Raye 3:14
F..k that Bastard! 0:00
MR. Blue Sky Руки из жопы 3:34