The Little Demon's Lullaby Zero-Project 6:32
Pure Consciousness Vargo 0:45
Your Love Vargo 1:25
Silent Kiss (Pingvi Cosmic Sex MashUP) Digital Rain & Vargo 3:41
The Superiority Passion Over Reason Traces 5:17
Push the Limits Enigma 6:26
Breath of Night Traces 3:52
Love At A Distance Traces 5:53
One Expectation Alessandro Ambrosio Pres. Amatue 4:36
So Sensual Vargo 5:26
Book Of Life Traces 5:29
Ederlezi Richi M 3:36
I'm Alive Googoosha 3:25
Beauty Silence Vargo 8:24
Talking One Language Vargo 4:41
Page Of Cups Enigma 7:01
Relax Vargo 6:12