Stare It Cold The Black Crowes 5:15
This Darius Rucker 3:38
Dogs of War AC/DC 3:35
Pendant que le champs brulent Niagara 4:03
In the City Madness 2:56
Angel In White Divlje Jagode 3:10
Lost It To Trying Son Lux 4:42
Ich wär' so gern so blöd wie Du Tic Tac Toe 3:50
My Sharona The Knack 4:02
At War With The World Foreigner 4:26
Elysium Madness 3:54
Welcome To The Black Parade (Album Version) My Chemical Romance 5:13
E.A.S.S.I.O.M. ( 2002 Hit Mix ) Radiorama 2:54
Overture Ennio Morricone 3:11
Gnome Dosed Androcell 7:21
Born This Way Lady Gaga 4:20
Cold Hard Bitch Jet 4:03
Kiss Me Kiss Your Baby Brotherhood of Man 3:03
Low Rider (Lookas Remix) War 0:00
Belfast Boney M. 3:31