Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White Helmut Zacharias 2:28
Небо Над Питером Elena Sheremet 3:32
Popcorn Edward Simoni 2:58
Zamfir - The Doina of Hope Волшебная свирель 3:04
The Execuitioner Royal Guitar Ensemble 2:31
Elan Secret Garden 3:12
Waiting for you Ernesto Cortazar 5:35
G. Ventura - Soli G. Ventura 3:15
Chariots of Fire Ernesto Cortazar III 3:21
Jiyu Eno Kakehashi Kitaro 6:18
Smooth Operator Sade; St. John 4:16
Tic Tac Blues Ernesto Cortazar 3:03
A Change Of Hart Francisco Garcia 3:53
Candy Dulfer _ Lily was here Инструментальные Хиты 4:18
Ktor me Erking Ruben Amirbekyan 4:29
Shape of Love Yuhki Kuramoto 3:50
The Summer Knows George Davidson 2:04
Ромео и Джульета Richard Clayderman 2:18
Deep Blue Richard Elliot 5:00
"Капли любви" Золотой Саксофон 4:26