Серафимы Keepers of Death 4:08
Падшие Ангелы Keepers of Death 3:23
Имперская Гвардия Keepers of Death 3:29
Дредноут Хаоса Keepers of Death 4:04
Dark Gods Keepers of Death 4:33
Intro: Dark Gods Keepers of Death 4:03
69_2_Night_Lord Keepers of Death 1:18
Рагнар Черногривый Keepers of Death 6:36
Тёмные Ангелы Keepers of Death 5:04
Алый Король Keepers of Death 6:32
Виндикар Keepers of Death 4:32
Конрад Кёрз Keepers of Death 3:42
XVII Legion: Word Bearers Keepers of Death 3:23
XX Legion: Alpha Legion Keepers of Death 3:05
VIII Legion: Night Lords Keepers of Death 2:13
XIV Legion: Death Guard Keepers of Death 3:06
Ангелы Тьмы Keepers of Death 2:41
Воины Вальхаллы Keepers of Death 4:40
XV Legion: Thousand Sons Keepers of Death 4:38
XVI Legion: Black Legion Keepers of Death 3:19