Georgia In My Mind Ray Charles 3:35
Wayfaring Stranger Eva Cassidy 4:26
Why Don't You Do Right Nicki Parrott 3:17
Turn Me On Norah Jones 2:34
Madonna Hugh Masekela 4:06
Nel Blu Pochill 5:08
04 - Unforgettable Feeling Gota Yashiki 4:42
Hard Hearted Hannah Stacey Kent 4:49
Theme From Paradise Fausto Papetti 3:14
The Waltz С. Гершенович и Siberian Jazz Band 4:58
Club Midnight Ken Navarro 4:49
Sunny Kim Waters 5:28
Shirlitta Walter Beasley 4:15
Mamou's Hall Stefan N. 5:20
Killing Me Softly Walter Beasley 4:45
Lights Out in San Francisco Craig Chaquico 3:29
I've Gotta Be Me The Hit Co. 3:01
To Love Somebody Michael Bublé 3:15
The Man I Love Dinah Shore 3:20
Take My Love, Take My Love (SF) Premium Standard 2:30