Menu (Full) Toby Fox 0:32
Here We Are Toby Fox 0:00
The Choice Toby Fox 2:12
Finale toby fox 1:52
It's Raining Somewhere Else toby fox 2:50
Death by Glamour Undertale 2:14
Burn in Despair! toby fox 0:21
CORE Toby Fox 0:00
Amalgam toby fox 0:00
She's Playing Piano toby fox 0:18
Another Medium toby fox 2:22
For the Fans toby fox 1:47
Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans Toby Fox 1:02
You Idiot Toby Fox 0:34
Spider Dance Toby Fox 1:46
Bergentrückung toby fox 0:21
Barrier toby fox 0:31
Oh! One True Love toby fox 1:24
Small Shock toby fox 0:14
Alphys toby fox 1:25