Autopilot Exiles 3:01
Horizons Datadiamond 2:58
Craters and Lovers Bluezz Vylez 5:20
Wayfarer Sung 4:12
Two Million Light Years Andromeda Dreams 3:26
Exhausted Divinity Niky Nine 4:47
Andromeda Dance With the Dead 5:00
Constructing Androids Irving Force 5:13
Midnight Ride Nowtro 3:44
Time Traveler Retrowave 3:22
Neo Tokyo 2019 Mega Drive 4:54
Eye in the sky Moondragon 4:05
True Survivor (From "Kung Fury") David Hasselhoff 3:40
Easy Chopper Sayak Striker 4:55
Skyline Street Cleaner 4:38
Deathwave DESTRYUR 3:16
Burn The Night Bestrack 4:09
The Pump Master MYRONE 2:57
Odyssey Dance With the Dead 4:20
The Guardian (feat. Sourc3) Daniel Deluxe 4:16