Korppi Tuula Amberla 3:17
When I Was a Young Girl Bettye Lavette 3:40
Pickin' Up Chicks On Dowling Street Billy Gibbons 4:08
Treat Her Right Billy Gibbons 2:21
Streets of Philadelphia Bruce Springsteen 3:54
Come Undone Robbie Williams 4:40
Skin Deep Memory of a Melody 5:07
The Heavy Curtain King Dude 4:29
Здравствуйте, я ваша тетя Vengerov & Fedoroff 3:02
When a Women’s Fed Up R. Kelly 4:35
Black Velvet Alannah Myles 4:47
Princess of heart Dee Smove 3:40
Made in Heaven Queen 5:27
Koop Islands Blues Koop 4:34
I Don't Want Your Love Paul Carrack 4:05
Alice [Who The X Is Alice] [Living Next Door To Alice] Smokie & Chris Norman 3:58
A Change Is Gonna Come Otis Redding 4:09
Un cuore Biagio Antonacci 3:34
So Cold Leela James 3:43
We Will Rock You Nickelback 1:59