I'm Not A Vampire Falling in Reverse 3:51
Raised By Wolves Falling in Reverse 0:00
It’s Over When It’s Over Falling in Reverse 3:54
Alone Falling in Reverse 4:39
Inside the Fire Disturbed 3:51
Open Your Eyes Disturbed 0:00
The Vengeful One Disturbed 4:12
Another Way to Die Disturbed 4:13
Never Again Disturbed 3:33
Indestructible Disturbed 4:38
Warrior Disturbed 0:00
Gone With The Sin HIM 4:21
Wicked Game HIM 4:05
Pretending HIM 3:54
The Funeral of Hearts HIM 4:31
Join Me HIM 3:38
Rip Out the Wings of a Butterfly HIM 3:33
Killing Loneliness HIM 4:29
Burn It To The Ground Nickelback 3:30
How you remind me Nickelback 3:43