Back to the River Xandria 3:35
The Lioness Xandria 4:49
Ravenheart Xandria 3:45
Return to India Xandria 6:00
Winterhearted Xandria 4:18
Dancer Xandria 3:50
Who We Are Xandria 4:17
The End of Every Story Xandria 4:54
Widescreen Xandria 4:15
The Nomad's Crown Xandria 9:02
Like a Rose on the Grave of Love Xandria 4:25
Black and Silver Xandria 3:56
Fight Me Xandria 3:37
In Love with the Darkness Xandria 3:52
Now & Forever Xandria 3:20
India Xandria 5:17
On My Way Xandria 3:51
Sleeping Dogs Lie Xandria 4:11
Sisters of the Light Xandria 3:37
The Wind and the Ocean Xandria 3:24