How Will I Know Jessica 3:38
Я не могу Линда 4:55
Черный ворон Hi-Fi 4:19
Se una regola c'e Nek 4:13
Wish I Could Fly Roxette 3:22
Big Big World Emilia 3:22
All or Nothing Cher 3:58
Иногда Алсу 3:48
Travel to Romantis Ace of Base 4:07
Я С Тобой Гости Из Будущего 4:33
I Was Made for Lovin' You Scooter 3:34
Killin' Time Tina Cousins 3:58
Would You...? Touch and Go 3:10
Sometimes Britney Spears 3:55
Снегири Иванушки 4:22
No Scrubs TLC 3:34
We Can't Stop Miley Cyrus 3:49
Boney M Vs. Sash! Ma Baker 2:50
Summer Son Texas 4:04
Why Don't You Get A Job The Offspring 0:00