Speak Softly Love Al Martino 3:07
Red Roses For A Blue Lady Al Martino 2:37
Fascination Al Martino 2:53
Dear Heart Jack Jones 2:36
Lollipops and Roses Jack Jones 4:05
Lady Jack Jones 2:43
09. People Will Say We're In Love Jack Jones 1:47
If You Go Away Jack Jones 4:28
Strangers In The Night Jack Jones 2:26
Into The Unknown Jack Jones 1:28
A Day in the Life of a Fool Jack Jones 2:21
I'm Getting Sentimental Over You Tommy Dorsey 3:39
Tea for Two Cha-Cha Tommy Dorsey 3:01
The Dipsy Doodle Tommy Dorsey 3:08
Dreamtime Tommy Dorsey 3:15
If I Had You Etta Jones 3:52
All the Way Etta Jones 4:39
Ace in the Hole (Live @ The Flamingo) Bobby Darin 2:46
Milord Bobby Darin 2:02
If I Were a Carpenter Bobby Darin 2:23