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    17 треков
    Joaquin Turina La oracion del torero, Op.34 Ensemble Repercussion (*) Юлий Туровский 10:06
    Родион Щедрин Кармен-сюита* Introduction Ensemble Repercussion (*) Юлий Туровский 1:18
    Dance Rodion Shchedrin 2:16
    First Intermezzo Rodion Shchedrin 1:05
    Changing of the Guard Rodion Shchedrin 1:54
    Carmen's Entrance and Habanera Rodion Shchedrin 3:32
    Scene Rodion Shchedrin 7:11
    Second Intermezzo Rodion Shchedrin 1:59
    Bolero Rodion Shchedrin 1:10
    Torero Rodion Shchedrin 3:09
    Torero and Carmen Rodion Shchedrin 3:41
    Adagio Rodion Shchedrin 5:34
    Fortune Telling Rodion Shchedrin 4:46
    Finale Rodion Shchedrin 6:09
    В подражание Альбенису* Ensemble Repercussion (*) Юлий Туровский 4:55
    Сталин-коктейль** Catherine Perrin, harpsichord 5:42
    Юмореска* Ensemble Repercussion (*) Юлий Туровский 2:39