• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
  • Sobriety Shyy 7:22
    Afogar-Se Shyy 5:43
    Moya Shyy 1:54
    Desfalecer Shyy 5:01
    First Time Around Shyy 7:30
    The White Sheet Faces the Dark Light Shyy 5:46
    Her, Her Landscape Shyy 6:05
    That Soul is an Empty Cup Shyy 3:15
    Because Of The Neglect Shyy 3:03
    Easier Shyy 2:29
    Spit Shyy 4:08
    Overjoyed Shyy 2:43
    As I Fly Shyy 6:05
    Comme Je Vole Shyy 6:56
    Progresso Shyy 5:15
    La Nuit Qui Ne Tue Pas Shyy 6:57
    Juke Box (1987) Shyy 4:05