• Отдохни от забот
  • Стань королевой
  • Для милых дам
  • Salems Lott
    power metal, speed metal, heavy metal, sleaze metal

    Топ треков

    Mother of Chains Salems Lott 4:30
    Atlas Salems Lott 1:36
    Wings Of Duress Salems Lott 3:00
    Higher Anguish Salems Lott 1:00
    Alexandria's Genesis Salems Lott 7:28
    Black Magic Salems Lott 5:05
    You Can't Hide from the Beast Inside Salems Lott 4:33
    S.S. (Sonic Shock) Salems Lott 3:57
    Enigma Salems Lott 4:01
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