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  • Dragonhelm Battleroar 4:10
    Narsil (Reforge The Sword) Battleroar 4:09
    Poisoned Well Battleroar 7:08
    Deep Buried Faith Battleroar 3:58
    Swordbrothers Battleroar 7:04
    Immortal Chariot Battleroar 7:19
    Almuric Battleroar 3:49
    Awakening the Muse Battleroar 2:07
    Battleroar Battleroar 5:26
    Sword Of Flame Battleroar 7:25
    Shadows Follow (Rotting Christ) Battleroar 5:08
    Metal From Hellas Battleroar 4:15
    Sword of the Flame Battleroar 7:25
    Oceans Of Pain Battleroar 10:23
    Kings of the Old Battleroar 4:25
    Enchanting Threnody Battleroar 7:24
    Chivalry (Noble Armor) Battleroar 4:38
    Victorious Path Battleroar 3:03
    Falling Off The Edge Of The World Battleroar 7:12
    Born in the '70s Battleroar 5:23
    The Curse of Medea Battleroar 5:37
    Palace of the Martyrs Battleroar 5:28
    Egyptian Doom Battleroar 6:40
    Hyrkanian Blades Battleroar 4:47
    The Tower Of The Elephant Battleroar 7:13
    Born In The 70's Battleroar 5:24
    The Wrathforge Battleroar 8:18
    Stormgiven (Blood Of Legends 2014) Battleroar 3:51
    Stormgiven Battleroar 3:51
    Relentless Waves Battleroar 3:02
    Calm Before The Storm Battleroar 8:52
    We Shall Conquer Battleroar 7:46
    Valkyries Above Battleroar 8:47
    Sword Of Crom Battleroar 4:56
    The Swords Are Drawn Battleroar 5:23
    The Doom Of Medusa Battleroar 8:21
    Stormgiven Battleroar 3:51
    Warlord of Mars Battleroar 4:23
    The Wanderer Battleroar 4:05
    Morbid Tabernacle / Isle of the Dead Battleroar 4:43
    Chronicles of Might Battleroar 6:22
    The Wrathforce Battleroar 8:18
    Blood of Legends Battleroar 5:41
    Dyvim Tvar Battleroar 8:54
    Siegecraft Battleroar 5:26
    Exile Eternal Battleroar 7:56
    Mourning Sword Battleroar 5:08
    Megaloman Battleroar 3:39
    Death Before Disgrace Battleroar 8:34