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    Ради чуждых славянам ценностей Европы, на Юго-Востоке убивают людей. Армен Авагян / Armen Avagyan
    #DonbassAgainstNazi#SlavyanskStalingradThe Kiev Junta offense.For the sake of alien to Slavs European treasures, on the Southeast are killing people.TV programme "In point of fact"An interview with Armen AvagyanWe are brought up from childhood, that Russians are our brothers. But, unfortunately, not all were educated properly. In order to understand what is happening in Ukraine, you must look into the past. Many mistakenly believe that the problem has arisen today. Fascism was on the territory of Ukraine even during the second world war. After the war, many Germans who lived in Ukraine, ran away to the United States. Their desire to destroy Russians and seize power didn't disappear. But even without it the United States were aimed on world domination. But Russia has always been a main rival. Attempts to break her were more than once. A recent example is Ukraine.And now, for the sake of alien to Slavs European treasures, on the Southeast are killing people.
