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    Bela Bartok - 'Rhapsody n°1 for violin and piano'.
    Los Caprichos are a set of 80 aquatint prints created by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya in 1797 and 1798, and published as an album in 1799. The prints were an artistic experiment: a medium for Goya's condemnation of the universal follies and foolishness in the Spanish society in which he lived. The criticisms are far-ranging and acidic; he speaks against the predominance of superstition, the ignorance and inabilities of the various members of the ruling class, pedagogical short-comings, marital mistakes, and the decline of rationality. Some of the prints have anticlerical themes. Goya described the series as depicting "the innumerable foibles and follies to be found in any civilized society, and from the common prejudices and deceitful practices which custom, ignorance, or self-interest have made usual".The work was an enlightened, tour-de-force critique of 18th-century Spain, and humanity in general. The informal style, as well as the depiction of contemporary society found in Caprichos, makes them -- and Goya himself -- a precursor to the modernist movement almost a century later. The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters in particular has attained an iconic status.Goya added brief explanations of each image to a manuscript now in the Prado; these help greatly to explain his often cryptic intentions, as do the titles printed below each image.Goya's series, and the last group of prints in his series The Disasters of War, which he called "caprichos enfticos" ("emphatic caprices") are far from the spirit of light-hearted fantasy the term caprice usually suggests in art.Music by Bela Bartok, 'Rhapsody n°1 for violin and piano'.I Caprichos sono 80 tavole realizzate con le tecniche di acquetinte e acquaforte, create dal pittore spagnolo Francisco Goya durante gli anni 90 del XVIII secolo.Le stampe furono un esperimento artistico del pittore: un mezzo per condannare la follia universale e la stoltezza della societ spagnola in cui viveva. Le critiche sono ad ampio raggio e acide; Goya si scaglia contro la superstizione, l'ignoranza e l'incapacit dei membri della classe dominante e - soprattutto - contro il declino della ragione.L'opera un illuminato e critico tour-de-force visivo della Spagna del XVIII secolo e dell'umanit in genere. Lo stile informale, cos come la rappresentazione della societ contemporanea dei Caprichos, rendono Goya un precursore del Romanticismo.I Caprichos furono preclusi alla vendita fino al loro rilascio programmato nel 1799. Solo grazie a un ordine formale del re Carlo IV di Spagna, Goya fu risparmiato dall'Inquisizione spagnola.
