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  • UmbrellaInc2903
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    Storming Heaven (Mass Effect 1, 2, 3 heroes tribute)
    Please, enjoy video in HD! English and Russian subtitles available.Russian version of this video - http://youtu.be/pggMyjMs4O4First version (also on Russian) - http://youtu.be/d1KA2sotZJkA few more than one year ago I've published on my channel first version of this video and have got a lot of compliments, but with reserve on not default appearance of Shepard and some slowdowns of video. Nevertheless, after one year that video became the most popular of my works and I could not keep ignore it. Also, at the moment of first video publication there was even no Extended Cut of game endings, I even don't talk about Omega and Citadel DLCs, which gave us a lot of amazing moment's and even characters, which are worthy to be in this video.That's why I've decided to play to games completely from scratch and recapture all the video material on the laptop I lent from my neighbor. :D Of cause, my studding's interfere with this process, and I've finished only in the middle of the June and started mount the video. My desire to make this video as perfect as it posible delayed the process, and when it was almost finished, I've discovered for myself English version of this song (yes, I'm a bit slowpoke -- the album was released in March). Yesterday I've been thinking all the day, what combination of song and subtitles to publish and decided to make two of them)I hope, I would live up to expectations and this video will bring real pleasure to game fans and not only.Thanks a lot to my friends for their permanent feedback -- some of them has to watch different versions of this video about ten times and even take part in a mount. Thank you for not leaving me)
