21. Muse - Sing For Absolution Muse
Full Moon The Black Ghosts
Leave Out All the Rest Linkin Park
Twilight Almadrava
Eyes On Fire Blue Foundation
River Flows in You (single Mg mix) Jasper Forks
Sleeping At Last (mp3host.ru) Sleeping at Last
Full Moon Alexandre Desplat
Dreamcatcher Alexandre Desplat
Alexandre Desplat - edward leaves twilight new moon ost (audiopoisk.com) Alexandre Desplat
Marry Me, Bella Alexandre Desplat
New Moon (The Meadow) Alexandre Desplat
Love & Loss (no synth) Two Steps from Hell
Skyfall Adele
Twin Peaks Theme Angelo Badalamenti
The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb Carter Burwell
Carter Burwell - Love Death Birth (Rassvet_ CHast' 1) Carter Burwell
Bella's Lullaby (piano version) Клод Ашиль Дебюсси
Let's Start With Forever Carter Burwell
A Nova Vida Carter Burwell
Edward at Her Bed Carter Burwell
Jacob Imprints Carter Burwell
Bella Reborn Carter Burwell
Goodbyes Carter Burwell
Stuck Here Like Mom Carter Burwell
How I Would Die Carter Burwell
I Dreamt of Edward Carter Burwell
Dinner With His Family Carter Burwell
Humans Are Predators Too Carter Burwell
Bella's Lullaby (remix) Carter Burwell
Carter Burwell-A Nova Vida (превью Carter Burwell
It's Renesmee Carter Burwell
Honeymoon In Eclipse Carter Burwell
Hearing the Baby Carter Burwell
из фильма Рассвет - Белла и Эдвард уезжают в медовый месяц Неизвестный исполнитель
Love Death Birth Carter Burwell
(Twilight Soundtrack Version Carter Burwell
Bella's Lullaby Carter Burwell
Ticket to the Moon Electric Light Orchestra
сумерки Twilight
Supermassive Black Hole Muse
Flightless Bird, American Mouth Iron & Wine