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    On May, 20, 2009, the meeting of Ministers was held, which was awaited for six days by Crimean Tatars- participants of the hunger-strike against the land tyranny in Crimea. On this meeting the Prime Minister Timoshenko had to ratify a transmission of 845 hectares of empty lands, belonging to different ministries, to local authorities of Crimea, who should further distribute the lands to repatriates for the dwelling building. Yesterday, on May, 19, 2009, the press-conference of participants of starvation which took place at the press-centre of UNIAN agency, the strikers declared – people are driven to desperation, the hunger-strike will go on and the indifference of the Cabinet of Ministers may result a death at least of one hunger-striker. The hunger-strikers have marked that permanent hunger-strike is not a blackmail of government, but the single possible chance to be heard by power authorities and that their lives – it last, by means of what the Crimean Tatars can express the super importance for them the land problem.Nevertheless, on the today's meeting of cabinet no positive decision was accepted. After the meeting the head of the Land commission, Minister of Environment Care G.G.Filipchuk, went out to the hunger-strikers and reported that for the decision of the problem another commission was created, which must drive out to Crimea for visual examination of debatable lands. According to him, this process may take up to 2-3 months. When the minister was addressed with a remark that starvation is declared up to the positive decision, and delays of acceptance of such decision, actually, dooms the participants of action for the hunger death, the Minister smiled sympathetically and shrugged.According to the hunger-strikers, analogical operations on the transmission of departmental lands to local submission were held last year in Sevastopol, Odessa, Kharkov, Lviv – in short terms and without any demonstrations or actions of protest. (http://www.zsu.org.ua/ru/news/?id=31877 ). When the same demand occurred, concerning Crimean Tatars – the simplest economic act grew into an insoluble problem. The participants of action are sure: the things that take place beside the walls of Cabinet of Ministers– is nothing else but a continuation of genocide of Crimean Tatar people on the state level. The land commission, created on Decree of the President of Ukraine in May, 2008, had in obedience to this Decree, to conduct the work and decide the land problem in Crimea before July, 2008. Today's decision of cabinet is not only the demonstrated open sabotage of Decree of the President but it also confirms the opinion of the hunger-strikers about the policy of genocide regarding to the Crimean Tatars.One more fact confirms this opinion - the informative blockade of the hunger-strike. Seven persons for six days are on the hunger-strike, the press-releases are sent daily to all Ukrainian MASS-MEDIA, the internet is full of reports about this action – but no any TV channel or official newspaper have given a single report about starvation and requirements of the hunger-strikers. We, participants of the hunger-strike, have to appeal for support to world public. We ask all states and international law organizations to interfere the situation, to prevent the death of people from hunger at the walls of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in their attempt to get what it is guaranteed to them by Constitution.Reference on a photo: http://picasaweb.google.com/itimur2008/20090520?authkey=Gv1sRgCMivx4ru1dvoyQE&feat=email#Sourse: www.awdet.org
