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    Славянск. Обстрел центра города установкой "ГРАД" 08.06.2014. / Slavyansk
    ----------------#SaveDonbassPeople#SaveDonbassSkyFromNazi#SaveDonbassfromUkrainianArmy #SaveDonbassPeopleFromUKRArmy#SaveDonbassPeopleWeAreKilledByUkrainianArmy -------------The Kiev Junta offense. A war crime. Neo-Nazi crimes against humanity.Shooting Slavyansk with the "Grad" installations.Tonight Ukrainian army shot Slavyansk with the "Grad" installations. Bombing didn't stop until night. Aiming shooting is conducted through the center and the most populated regions. From 10 a.m. was given a volley fire on Semenivka and Seleznevka villages near Slavyansk. Were shelled houses. One of them was caught with fire also fired the communications center, children's center, markets and shops. There are victims. Many wounded. Amount still specified. Also power stations are under fire. Already stopped working several plants. Railway station and city council are remained without electricityДорогие друзья! Окажите помощь развивающемуся проекту.Карта "КрайИнвестБанк": 4036 7540 7233 3158Яндекс Кошелек 410012239741128Номера Webmoney:R628362613164Z314323925553U818883399759QIWI +380932817991PayPal: seo_m_shabalin@mail.ruАнонсы и новости можно узнать на наших официальных:https://www.vk.com/newsfront_tvhttps://www.facebook.com/front.televidhttps://www.twitter.com/NewsFront_TVhttps://www.odnoklassniki.ru/newsfrontВедем трансляцию в прямом эфире, чтобы опровергнуть лживые СМИ!Информационный партнер - http://anna-news.infoСписок наших каналов:https://www.ustream.tv/channel/newsfront - Луганскhttps://www.ustream.tv/channel/newsfront1 -Донецкhttps://www.ustream.tv/channel/newsfront2 -Славянскhttps://www.ustream.tv/channel/newsfront3 -Одессаhttps://www.ustream.tv/channel/newsfront4 -МариупольПри отсутствии онлайн включения переключите на другой наш канал.
