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    Lincoln and Liberty
    HURRAH for the choice of the nation!Our chieftain so brave and so true;We'll go for the great Reformation—For Lincoln and Liberty too! We'll go for the son of Kentucky—The hero of Hoosierdom through;The pride of the Suckers so lucky—For Lincoln and Liberty too!Our David's good sling is unerring,The Slaveocrats' giant he slew;Then shout for the Freedom-preferring—For Lincoln and Liberty too!They'll find what, by felling and mauling,Our rail-maker statesman can do;For the People are everywhere callingFor Lincoln and Liberty too.Then up with our banner so glorious,The star-spangled red-white-and-blue,We'll fight till our flag is victorious,For Lincoln and Liberty too!Additional verses concerned the abolition of slavery:Come all you true friends of the nationAttend to humanity's callOh aid of the slaves' liberationAnd roll on the liberty ballWe'll finish the temple of freedomAnd make it capacious withinThat all who seek shelter may find itWhatever the hue of their skin.Success to the old fashioned doctrineThat men are created all freeAnd down with the power of the despotWherever his stronghold may be.
