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    Mario Lanza sings UNA FURTIVA LAGRIMA
    UNA FURTIVA LAGRIMA(L'elisir d'amore)(One tear that falls so furtively)Una furtiva lagrimaNegli occhi suoi spunto:Quelle festosee giovaniInvidiar sembro.Che piu cercando io vo?M'ama, lo vedo.Un solo instante i palpitiDel suo bel cor sentir!I miei sospir, confonderePer poco a' suoi sospir!Cielo, si puo morir!Di piu non chiedo.SYNOPSESNemorino is in love with a wealthy girl, but she says she isn't interested in poor boys like him. Desperate, he buys a "Love potion" that only turns out to be cheap red wine. And yet, Nemorino believes the "Elixir" will work. When he sees her cry, he knows she has fallen for him at last.ENGLISH TRANSLATIONOne tear that falls so furtivelyfrom her sweet eyes has just sprung,as if she envied all the youthswho laughingly passed her right by.What could I want more than this?She loves me! I see it.One moment just to hear her heart,beating so close next to mine,to hear my sighs like they were hers,her sighings as if they were mine!Heavens, please take me now:All that I wanted is mine now!
