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    [Concert] Moranbong Band (July 28, 2012) {DPRK Music}
    모란봉악단 / Ансамбль Моранбон / Moranbong BandКонцерт в честь Дня Победы (27 июля)주체101(2012)년 7월 28일 / 28 июля 2012 года / July 28, 2012조선중앙텔레비죤 / Корейское центральное телевидение / Korean Central Television (KCTV)http://www.uriminzokkiri.comA performance was given by the Moranbong Band for celebrating the war victory day in Pyongyang on Saturday (July 28, 2012).Students in the city of Pyongyang appreciated the performance.On invitation there were foreign diplomatic envoys and representative of the international organizations and military attaches corps here with their wives.The performance began with the National Anthem.The repertoire of the two-part performance included light music and song "July 27, Our Victory-Day", light music "Star of General", "To a Decisive Battle" and "Advance and Advance", female solo and pangchang "Song of Soldiers", female sextet "Echo of War Victory" light music and song "Are We Living Like in Those Days?" and "Victors", light music "Yeppuni" and "Look at Us", female sextet "Masters in This Land Tell" and "Our Beloved Leader".The performers highly praised the immortal feats for war victory performed by Generalissimo Kim Il Sung who led the army and the people with his Juche-oriented military idea, outstanding strategy and tactics and distinguished commanding art and wrought miracles of defeating the ferocious U.S. imperialists.Music that resounded forth the hall reminded the audience of applauses that reverberated the war victory square, declaring victory of ideology, strategies, tactics and spirit.The people's pride and self-respect of ushering in a new era of victory and prosperity being blessed with the illustrious leaders generation after generation were reflected in fascinating and beautiful music and songs.The performers sang the internationalism of the Chinese people who fought together with Korean army and people against the common enemy upholding the banner "Resisting America and aiding Korea, safeguarding the home and defending the motherland" through the female sextet "Song of Chinese People's Volunteers" and theme song of Chinese TV Series "Mao Anying".Put on the stage were world famous songs including light music "Chardash" and "Song of Gypsy".The performance was acclaimed by the audience as all arts elements including tested art skill of female performers and singers, ensemble and theatre lights formed perfect combination.The performance replete with the trend of the times and new in its contents and form helped the audience grasp the noble intention of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un to make Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il's Korea stand tall in the world.[KCNA]
