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    Roo Panes – The Sun Will Rise Over The Year (Lyric Video)
    Iseult _writerEven as an introvert I’ve found the last few months trying, but on the flip side, being forced to slow down has the added benefit of allowing one the opportunity to observe nature ( in its broadest sense ) at a microscopic level and this in of itself has brought about a greater sense of understanding and healing. Tis easy to become weighed down by the bulk of negative feelings that naturally coincide with this situation, easy to find oneself sinking due to the exhausting attempts at keeping our head above water, but I do believe that by simply allowing things to be that their is an important lesson to be drawn, and it is messy and painful, for no wave is ever without debris. But when you are out at sea, fighting to stay alive, your greatest bet is to stop fighting so much, and to simply allow your body to float upon the water, only then will you notice the sun upon your face. And if you happen to be floating beneath a night sky, then you have the light of universe to keep you company. That is much easier said than done, because - ironically - it isn’t within our nature to stop kicking and simply float. When life becomes fragile I find it encouraging to look to the sun, and if I find myself roaming amid a dark night, I look to the stars, or better the moon. All are constant, all bare light.
