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    Mavro Orbini-medieval Catholic priest from Ragusa, thanks to which the ancient descriptions of the Slavs from the Italian libraries - from the so - called “forbidden” by Rome list-have survived. In 1601 in the city of Pesaro published a book Orbini C a detailed description of the history of the Slavic peoples called “history of the Kingdom of Slavonic.”The author of the encyclopedia studied all available to him monastic and personal libraries, as well as Italian archives, for example, the famous library of the Duke of Urbino, one of the greatest book collections of his time. Half a century after the death of Orbini in Italy came hard times, and a unique library with great losses migrated to the Vatican.In 1722, by decree of Peter the great, a mediocre and rather abbreviated translation of this book in Russian was published in Russia. However, the encyclopedia Orbini for many years was unknown to most historians.The unique book reveals the amazing truth about the real glory of the Aryan-Scythian, “Indo-European” people.So, what facts make certified historians write angry comments under this video?1. The Slavs lived in the times of Ancient Greece, ancient Rome and ancient Egypt. This conclusion follows from the list of written sources, which became the basis for the historiography of the Slavic people. Among the authors of the works - Strabo and Pliny, who lived in the time of Jesus Christ, as well as Paul Deacon, gnei Pompey Trogo, Publius Cornelius Tacitus, who died, according to the official version of history, in 120-year ad. Moreover, the Slavic peoples lived and prospered long before the birth of Christ. For example, Socrates, who died (again, according to the official version of history) in 399 BC, wrote about them in his works.2. Slavs were people not words, and Affairs. This writes itself Orbini, and the authors on whose works he cites. “There is nothing surprising, - says the priest at the beginning of the book, That Slavic tribe mistakenly called now Slavonski, do not use historians the glory, which rightfully should have, and his noble acts, and glorious Hiking is hidden by a dense fog and almost buried in the eternal night of oblivion. Having in excess of warlike men and valiant, was no he husbands of scholars and educated, whose writings immortalized his name.Other tribes, far inferior to him in their greatness, only because they are now so famous that they had learned men who glorified them with their writings.”3. Slavs have won if not the entire ancient world, then virtually the entire.Mavro Orbini writes about it like this:"The Slavs fought with almost all the tribes of the world, attacked Persia, ruled Asia and Africa, fought with the Egyptians... conquered Greece, Macedonia and Illyria, occupied Moravia, Silesia, Czech Republic, Poland and the Baltic sea coast.They have captured Francia, founded kingdoms in Spain, and from their blood the noblest childbirth conduct the origin”.4. Roman emperors paid tribute to the Slavs.Further, Mavro Orbini says that the ancestors of the Russ " invaded Italy, where for a long time clashed with the Romans, sometimes sufferingdefeat, revenge is sometimes great sacrifice on their part, sometimes ending the fight with equal advantage. Having conquered the Roman Empire in the end, they occupied many of its provinces, destroyed the city of Rome, making the Roman emperors their tributaries, which no other tribe in the world could do.”5. The Scandinavian, Germanic, Ugric and southern European peoples, including the modern Moldovans and Romanians, descended from the early Slavs, not the other way around! Mavro Orbini, based on his conclusions on the evidence of ancient authors, responsibly declares:“It's always the nice people in past times was the strongest peoples such as such as (actually) Slavs, roxelana or Rus, poles, Sirba, vandals, Burgundians, Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Getae, Alans, Avars,ducky, Swedes, Norsemen, Finns, ukry, or uncanny Thracians (or simply Turks) and the Illyrians, pomerene, rogene, brisane (i.e. the British)”.6. The Baltic sea was inhabited by (and occupied, as we have seen - so far) mostly by the Slavs. Mavro Orbini writes further: “there were also Veneti, or heneti, who took the Baltic sea coast, generously shared by many tribes, namely, the Pomeranians, the Wiltz, the wounds of varnavas, bodrichey, polanow, Wegrow, clay, dolanan, rotary... (the list continues), and many others, which can be read from pastor Gelmolda”.
