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    Seven Line Prayer To Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava)
    Seven Line Prayer To Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava)Chant by: H.H. the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje (Karma Kagyu)Vidoclip creator: Evgeny Shpaginhttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000290562044https://new.vk.com/id1537073Seven Line Prayer (Tib. Tshig bDun gSol 'Debs) is one of the most famous and common practices related to Guru Padmasambhava, the great Master of Uddiyana. A special place it occupies in the Nyingma tradition, the oldest school of Tibetan Buddhism, whose lineage goes directly from Padmasambhava and his disciples.According to tradition, Seven Line Prayer (Tib. Tshig bDun gSol 'Debs) is one of the most famous and common practices related to Guru Padmasambhava, the great Master of Uddiyana. A special place it occupies in the Nyingma tradition, the oldest school of Tibetan Buddhism, whose lineage goes directly from Padmasambhava and his disciples.According to tradition, Seven Line Prayer - this is the gift Dakini pandits of Nalanda. Pandits prepared on the roof of the monastery a large sacrificial offerings and began to sing Seven Line Prayer. Guru Padma came and helped defeat the enemies of Buddha's teaching. Largely thanks to the glory of the great miracle worker and a protector of Dharma, then Padmasambhava was invited to Tibet, in order to pacify the hostile gods and demons, obstacles chinivshih construction of the first Buddhist monastery in Tibet.As part of the Guru Yoga of Padmasambhava, Seven Line Prayer includes a conventional, internal and hidden levels of understanding and practice. Mipham Rinpoche (1846 - 1912), a famous scholar of the Nyingma school, identifies the following levels of interpretation:1) normal, that is public, meaning of the text;2) way of interpreting hidden meaning (Tib sBas Don), considering in the context of Seven Line Prayer.:a) the path of liberation (Tib. Thar Lam),b) the stage of completion (Tib. rDzogs Rim) tantric ways to apply skillful means (Tib. Thabs Lam),c) In the context of the secret practices of the Dzogchen Nyingtik;3) value related to the achievement of the final result.Of course, as part of this brief essay is appropriate to give only a general idea about the usual, obvious sense of prayer of Guru Rinpoche. A detailed explanation of the deep and secret teachings contained in Seven Line Prayer, must be obtained directly from a qualified lama. But even on a public level, the practice of Guru Yoga and Seven Line Prayer can bring untold benefits. As he said himself Guru Padma:If you have faith and devotion,Always pray to me,People of future generations,And you get my blessings. ༄༅། །གུ་རུ་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་ཚིག་བདུན་གསོལ་འདེབས་བཞུགས་སོ། ། The Seven Line Prayer ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོ་རྒྱན་ཡུལ་གྱི་ནུབ་བྱང་མཚམས༔ hung orgyen yul gyi nubjang tsam Hūṃ! In the north-west of the land of Oḍḍiyāṇa, པདྨ་གེ་སར་སྡོང་པོ་ལ༔ pema gesar dongpo la In the heart of a lotus flower, ཡ་མཚན་མཆོག་གི་དངོས་གྲུབ་བརྙེས༔ yatsen chok gi ngödrub nyé Endowed with the most marvellous attainments, པདྨ་འབྱུང་གནས་ཞེས་སུ་གྲགས༔ pema jungné shyé su drak You are renowned as the ‘Lotus-born’, འཁོར་དུ་མཁའ་འགྲོ་མང་པོས་བསྐོར༔ khor du khandro mangpö kor Surrounded by many hosts of ḍākinīs. ཁྱེད་ཀྱི་རྗེས་སུ་བདག་བསྒྲུབ་ཀྱི༔ khyé kyi jesu dak drub kyi Following in your footsteps, བྱིན་གྱིས་བརླབ་ཕྱིར་གཤེགས་སུ་གསོལ༔ jingyi lab chir shek su sol I pray to you: Come, inspire me with your blessing! གུ་རུ་པདྨ་སིདྡྷི་ཧཱུྂ༔ guru pema siddhi hungSarva Mangalam!
