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    «Найди себя...» Автор: Мехди Эбрагими Вафа
    Find yourself... The number of our sins is so great that one day your "I'm sorry" can remain without an answer. Do not let this happen. Do not put your ability to correct mistakes on the shelf of time, in spite of the fact that God is generous and forgives much if you feel remorse. ***A night. It's dark. You can not see anything. You can turn on the lamp. Now it is light. A day. It's light. This sun illuminates the world for us. Let's try and make sure that the sun will never be ashamed of us or our actions. It can also close its eyes, and after this no lamp will light our way. ***Drinking water, which you can get if you wish when you turn on the tap - it's a miracle. And do you know that many people die from the lack of this miracle every day. Take care of this source of life and use it rationally. Miracles are only there with you when you treat them carefully and lovingly. ***They shout at you and insult you? Imagine that this is a rabid dog, which you just need to leave. Remember that in this case silence is the most reasonable answer. ***Do not be afraid of someone who looks strong. Be afraid of the one who sits quietly in the corner. Get over your grudges and be on top. The one who judges - will see your great soul and will reward you. ***It's not enough to consider yourself good. It is more important when people confirm this. Many consider themselves good. And are you ready to give your food to the others at least for one day? Just one day! ***Homeless children are not to blame for anything. We are guilty - those who do not understand them. ***Everything that surrounds us has energy. You will never be able to feel it if you waste your own energy. ***If you do not see it, then it does not exist. Many people think so. But what about God and Love, the road to which we are looking for all our lives? You just have to believe, and everything will open to you itself. ***Everything has a smell. But the smell of earth, motherland and mother is unique. ***You can dig up and destroy a whole garden of flowers with your hands. And if you want, you can just take a handful of earth, throw a grain there, drip a bit water, and in your hand a seed will grow. Can you do this, because it is always easier to destroy than to build***Everyone is looking for happiness where there are big cities, civilization and technology of the highest level. And what if real happiness is not there, but far from all this, closer to nature. Only there, at dawn birds sing for you, and the river is nearby. There you can play with the earth, give life to plants and flowers, and most importantly, there you can create a family. ***In silence you will be able to find answers to your questions, but only if your body, soul and thoughts belong entirely to God. First decide what you want, and only then look for it. ***If you feel lonely as if no one needs you, it's just your imagination. Among several billions there are people who need exactly you. ***Why do you need to know about your future, if you are not interested in the present, the one already given to you by God. Everyone lacks something in life: family, wealth, health. But does what you have satisfy you? People are not grateful by their nature. They do not say "thank you" for what they have. So first learn how to thank God for what you have, and then ask.Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa
