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    10 lessons of wisdom from nature 👉 https://youtu.be/swB6IfetYQoSubscribe to the Portal of the Slavic World https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqwMwPPSgWk73kK4QjGxpoQAll people on Earth depend on plants. Imagine our planet without them is simply impossible. When we want to say that a place is not suitable for life, we say “scorched desert”, that is, a place completely free of plants.Understanding the relationship of life and plants permeated the traditions of all peoples. Our Ancestors were no exception. Plants, especially trees, has a number of traditions coming from the depth of centuries. In each locality, near each settlement, there were sacred groves or individual trees. People came to them with their ailments, worries and almost always found help.In Russia, when a son was born, an oak was planted, and if a girl-a pine or birch. They came to their tree for healing. To get help, you had to establish communication with the tree, bring him a gift, talk, ask for help, and then thank. It was believed that if a person sits several times, leaning against his tree back or head, the tree will take over his illness or trouble.Such communication testified that our Ancestors were firmly aware that every plant has a soul. And this realization did not come from the ecological motives that are so fashionable today, but because they considered every tree, every flower, every blade of grass in the field a refuge of the spirit, the subtlest manifestation of life.In our time, every day we get more and more evidence that plants are experiencing pain, joy and fear. Many people know that scientists around the world conducted linguistic experiments with animals, whales, dolphins and dogs, but few people know that the same was done with plants. The very ones that we mostly think of as immobile and existing only to provide us with food, decorate our homes, and cure our diseases. But remember - it is around plants and developed large part of the ceremonies of all types of quackery, scientific study which continues to present new surprises.When confronted with these mysteries, several key questions arise: do plants have consciousness? Is it possible to communicate with them in any way? Do they communicate with each other?In the vicinity of Nizhny Tagil in the early 90s. we cut down trees. There was one non-smoker with an inquisitive mind in the team of loggers. During the smoke breaks he, to pass the time, came up with a "fun" - to count the annual rings on the felled trees. The man noticed that all the trees periodically found some defective rings. And they are not smooth, and the color of their unhealthy. All studied trees had 5-6 such rings, going one after another. The woodcutter was puzzled and decided to calculate in what year the tree "hurt". The result stunned him! It turned out, that on all trees time "disease" account for on 1941-1945 years. It turns out that the trees felt that something terrible was happening, together with the people suffered from the hardships of the war.His way to clear the forest area under the field came up with the inhabitants of the Solomon Islands: they just gather all the tribe and swear at the trees. After a few days, the trees begin to wither, slowly but surely. And eventually ... they die.Experiments conducted by biologists, give an amazing result: plants are able to see, taste, smell, touch and hear. Moreover, they can communicate, suffer, perceive hatred and love, remember and think. In a word, they have their nervous system, consciousness and feelings.The fact that plants have memory, you can easily see with the help of classical experience. This experiment was first conducted by biologists at the University of Claremont (France) and if you want it can be repeated and you. When a sprout appears from the ground with the first two leaves, one of them is repeatedly pricked with a needle and after a few minutes is torn off. Escape continues to grow and develop, but its development is asymmetric. Branches, flowers, fruits develop only from the side of the plant, which was not applied injections. But if the injured leaf was removed, how did the plant remember that there was danger in the direction from which the injections came? The explanation of this phenomenon from the point of view of modern physiology cannot even approximately show the mechanism of memory in plants.Among other things, plants have a kind of vision, or a special sense of smell. Further the ability to identify "his own" came in the steppe shrubs. It is known that shrubs expand their root system in search of moisture. It grows in breadth and depth. But if the path of the Bush "lives" another Bush, the movement of their roots towards stops. They recognize each other from afar, without touching. Plants respect the living space of the neighbor and do not encroach on its territory.halodendron — window of the flower in the lab.# plants #have # a soul
