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    7 июня 2014 г.Нацгвардия разграбила детский оздоровительный лагерь в Северодонецке / Severodonetsk
    -------------#SaveDonbassPeople#SaveDonbassSkyFromNazi#SaveDonbassfromUkrainianArmy #SaveDonbassPeopleFromUKRArmy#SaveDonbassPeopleWeAreKilledByUkrainianArmy -------------The Kiev Junta offense.The National Guard sacked children's summer camp in Severodonetsk.TV programme "In point of fact"Yesterday there were meetings of the Boards in Lisichansk, as a result of which the deputies of the city council had to decide whose side they are: on the side of the junta or the people. But, unfortunately, the decision hasn't been made, the session isn't closed and moved to Monday. I also want to announce that Lisicansk and Severodonetsk became one of the garrison. "
