One by One ONE OK ROCK
Nobody's Home ONE OK ROCK
Borderline ONE OK ROCK
Never Let This Go ONE OK ROCK
Christgrinding Avenue Behemoth
Demigod Behemoth
Conquer All Behemoth
Christians to the Lions Behemoth
Defiling Morality ov Black God Behemoth
Arcana Hereticae Behemoth
Alas, Lord Is Upon Me Behemoth
Decade of Therion Behemoth
LAM Behemoth
Be Without Fear Behemoth
At the Left Hand ov God Behemoth
Inner Sanctum Behemoth
Pure Evil And Hate Behemoth
He Who Breeds Pestilence Behemoth
No Sympathy for Fools Behemoth
Daimonos Behemoth
Slaves Shall Serve Behemoth
Transmigrating Beyond Realms ov Amenti Behemoth
Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel Behemoth
Zos Kia Cultus Behemoth
Ov Fire and the Void Behemoth
Fields Of Harr-Meggido Behemoth
Blackvisions Of The Almighty Behemoth
Libertheme Behemoth
The Reign ov Shemsu-Hor Behemoth
The Dance Of The Pagan Flames Behemoth
The Seed ov I Behemoth
Lucifer Behemoth
Summoning (Of The Ancient Ones) Behemoth
Qadosh Behemoth
Qadosh Behemoth
Summoning (Of The Ancient Ones) Behemoth
Lucifer Behemoth
The Seed ov I Behemoth
The Dance Of The Pagan Flames Behemoth
The Reign ov Shemsu-Hor Behemoth
Libertheme Behemoth
Blackvisions Of The Almighty Behemoth
Fields Of Harr-Meggido Behemoth
Ov Fire and the Void Behemoth
Zos Kia Cultus Behemoth
Blow Your Trumpets Gabriel Behemoth
Transmigrating Beyond Realms ov Amenti Behemoth
Slaves Shall Serve Behemoth
Daimonos Behemoth
No Sympathy for Fools Behemoth