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    Sivert Høyem - Sleepwalking Man (official video) Ir
    Directed, shot & edited by Magne Strand Lyngvær & Kenneth KarlstadProduced by Andrea OttmarProduction company - Frokost Film Ilay BachkeMagne Strand LyngværMaria Grazia Di Meo ( )Sivert Høyem ( )Big thanks to:Raymond Eriksen for the JeepMediefabrikken for the support and equipment supplyVideoverkstedet AS for the loan of Hi8 cameras and all the help with the digitalizingThe Lyngvær family for the warm welcome, nice foods and beds and love and assistanceChristoffer Nilsen for the loan of car, battery and chargerStream & download the single "Sleepwalking Man": from the new Sivert Høyem album "Lioness" (January 29th 2016)C 2016 Hektor Grammofon AS
