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    ♫ На заре ты ее не буди | Фет стихи | Russian Romance with English Subtitles
    Старинный русский романс На заре ты ее не буди, стихи Афанасий Фет. Старые русские романсы о любви, поет Татьяна Азарова. Старинные романсы на стихи А. Фета, музыка А. Варламова.A beautiful old Russian romance, written by Afanasy Fet in 1842, set to music by Alexander Varlamov. In the middle of 19th century this romance song about love became a hit in Russia! Optional English or Russian Subtitles - use CC. Best Russian Romances with English translation "Don't Wake Her Up at Dawn". Traditional Russian music with English subtitles. Живопись - Владимир Волегов.This romance became the hit of the time and was featured in 1843 collection of best Russian love poetry.Translated by Евгения Саркисьянц: .In the sunrise don't bother her rest,In the sunrise her sleep is so sweet,Morn will lazily breathe on her breast,Blush her cheeks with the glow of its heat.And her pillow is hot from her sleep,And her sleep is so languid and tight,And her braids, like two streams running deep,On her shoulders run black as the night.And last eve by the window aloneShe in quietude sat, and her eyesWatched the moon as it playfully shoneThrough the clouds in the changing night skies.And the brighter appeared the night skies,The more chime brought the nightingale song,The more cheerless and sad were her eyes,And her heart bet with pain ever strong.That is why her young innocent breastAnd her cheeks are so glowing with heat.So don't wake her, don't bother her rest,In the sunrise, her sleep is so sweet!На заре ты её не буди,На заре она сладко так спит.Утро дышит у ней на груди,Ярко пышет на ямках ланит.И подушка её горячаИ горяч утомительный сон,И, чернеясь, бегут на плечаКосы лентой с обеих сторон.А вчера у окна ввечеруДолго-долго сидела онаИ следила по тучам игру,Что, скользя, затевала луна.И чем ярче играла луна,И чем громче свистал соловей,Всё бледней становилась она,Сердце билось больней и больней.Оттого-то на юной груди,На ланитах так утро горит.Не буди ж ты её, не буди...На заре она сладко так спит!
