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    Сода. Как почистить ковер содой в домашних условиях
    Soda. How to wash an old carpet from dirt with soda without chemicals. Recipes Germany. Soda is a universal detergent. Food soda washes and cleans almost everything! Soda will make all things in the house clean and snow-white and wash off rust and limescale. Sprinkle dry baking soda on a dry carpet evenly with a thin layer. Dilute baking soda in a small amount of water. Stir with a broom. Now you need to moisten the carpet. Take any sprinkler, you can hands out of a jar or any other utensils or soak the carpet with a broom as shown in the video. We first distribute dry soda to a dry surface, the next step, the surface should be slightly moistened and wait 10 minutes. 10 minutes passed and just vacuumed with a vacuum cleaner, rinsed the brush on the vacuum cleaner and vacuumed again. Dirt can be removed from the carpet by a broom, can be vacuumed. Always two times at once. You can not do it with a rag. If there is no vacuum cleaner and a broom, better take any brush. It is necessary that baking soda its particles leave the material. All. The carpet is clean and children can play calmly and pets do not itch, because there are no more ticks in the carpet on the floor..How to clean the carpet from dirt, dust, old stains at home? It is not always easy to do this, everyone knows who has ever thoroughly cleaned carpets, carpets, and carpets. After all, many of the pollution is strongly absorbed into the surface, and to remove them, you need to spend a lot of time and energy, and sometimes money.
