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    За это УБИЛИ ЛЬВА РОХЛИНА - Вся правда об УРАНОВОЙ СДЕЛКЕ ( соглашение ВОУ-НОУ )
    This topic has become a death sentence for many. For example, according to one version, it was the uranium deal that caused the murder of Lev Rokhlin. Of course, version of not proven, after all popular General wanted kill many, although would for here is these words:So, the cause of Rokhlin's death could serve as a deal that with the blessing of the two presidents signed by albert Gore and Viktor Chernomyrdin. According to the testimony of nuclear physicist Lev Maksimov, on the day of the murder of Lev Rokhlin, he received a call and threatened: if you continue to investigate, "like the dead Rokhlin," then your mouth will be closed forever. It was in the morning, when the General was still alive. "I thought," recalled the scientist, " that's how scary. And at night Rokhlin was killed."Well, let's figure out what's wrong with this deal.On February 18, 1993, the "Agreement between the Russian Government and the US Government on the use of highly enriched uranium extracted from nuclear weapons"was signed. This document established the transfer to America of at least 500 tons of Russian weapons-grade uranium for use as fuel for nuclear power plants. The corresponding basic contract dated August 25, 1993 for No. 261 was approved by former Prime Minister V. Chernomyrdin. The bilateral agreement was not widely advertised, however, Russia pledged to supply "at least 500 tons" within 20 years, for which it was supposed to receive a little more than 11 billion us dollars.At first glance, there is nothing seditious here. The usual deal. If not for the lost profits. As follows from the declassified materials in the United States, spending on the creation of nuclear weapons 3.9 trillion dollars since 1945, the Americans were able to produce only 550 tons of weapons-grade uranium. Chernomyrdin, in agreement with Yeltsin, obliged our country to transfer about the same amount of nuclear fuel overseas. And not for the trillions of dollars that were previously spent, but only... for 11.5 billion dollars. In fact, according to various estimates of nuclear scientists, the cost of Russian uranium was much more and could be 8-12 trillion dollars, and, as we have already compared in the last issue, it's like buying a Mercedes, which costs 5 million, for only 12 and a half thousand rubles. That is, for 0.15% (fifteen hundredths of a percent) of its value.The uranium deal was conceived and implemented as a disguised circumvention of the ratification of the start-2 Treaty. In 1997, more than 400 tons of weapons-grade uranium were extracted from nuclear warheads. Given the average weight of the warhead, this means that more than 25 thousand nuclear warheads have been dismantled in Russia. Thus, without ratification of the start-2 Treaty, and bypassing it, the organizers of the uranium deal actually ensured the fulfillment of the main strategic tasks of the us and NATO leadership on accelerated unilateral nuclear disarmament of Russia.The curtain of secrecy was such that even in the leadership of the Ministry of defense, whose missiles were gutted in the most shameless way, did not guess where their uranium was headed. Army General Igor Rodionov, becoming a Deputy of the state Duma, once admitted:"I'm the Secretary of defense." — and knew nothing about the uranium deal between Russia and the United States. The question is, who exactly, in what composition and how carried out all these agreements? There are four in total, but there are no texts of agreements No. 1 and No. 3. We still can't find those documents. Apparently, they are very well hidden. And to help us, the deputies of the state Duma, for some reason, neither the FSB of Russia, nor the security Council, nor the Ministry of defense. I personally addressed three messages to President Putin in may 2004, January and March 2005). Putin did not answer me. But I wanted to explain to the President of the country that we may be dealing with treason on a colossal scale.In press meets information, that already after killings Rokhlin actively sought "missing" texts agreements under # 1 and # 3 the other Deputy-Deputy Chairman Committee Duma on security Yuri Shchekochikhin. Allegedly, he, like the General in his time, figured out the defendants who participated and profited from this Scam of the century. But he was sent to the forefathers.He was poisoned, and the mystery of the investigation remained a mystery.And it all began with Lev Maksimov, who first saw the criminal essence of the agreement and tried to fan the hype.__Subscribe to sedition in social networks:VC https://vk.com/kramolainfoOK https://ok.ru/kramolainfoTelegram https://t-do.ru/kramola_infoInstagram https://www.instagram.com/kramola_info/The website http://www.kramola.info#sedition #uranium #deal
