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    Bach: Concerto for four harpsich
    Concerto for four harpsichords (BWV 1065)Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750).Concerto for four hapsichords in A minor (BWV 1065).1st mov: Allegro.3rd mov: Allegro.The Amsterdam Baroque Orquestra.Dir: Ton Koopman.Scoring: harpsichord I/II/III/IV solo, violin I/II, viola, continuo (cello, violone)Bach made a number of transcriptions from Antonio Vivaldi's concertos, especially from his op.3 set, entitled l'estro Armonico; he adapted them for solo harpsichord and solo organ, and for the concerto for 4 violins in B minor, op.3 no.10, RV 580, he decided upon the unique solution of using four harpsichords and orchestra. This is thus the only harpsichord concerto by Bach which was not an adaptation of his own material. The middle movement has the four harpsichords playing differently-articulated arpeggios in a very unusual tonal blend, while Bach provided some additional virtuosity and tension in the other movements.
